It is all so simple....Image via Wikipedia
Isolated individuals acting as networking hive of Facebooks and cell phones, spinning webs of gossamer information and desolated reality amongst thousands of fractions of humans as zeros and ones surround them.
You amputated human with binary conversations of two dimensional depth with equal perspective, as you swim through information paying as much attention to each as you do each of the falling raindrops on a rainy day.
Words, words, words as they flow back and forth, messages, information, data, you process and spit back are you really human? What makes interaction human, by God, it is eye contact, the gift of gab is as useful as one finger typing now days, all this nonsense we must speed it up, faster, more productive, get more done, we have so little time on this planet so we get things done as we waste it on the Internet. See my Face, ones and zeros, you can read me like a book, this is my identity, a Facebook.
Why stop with instant messaging what about future messaging, anticipatory responses, written in a vowel-less alphabet of pure efficient nonsense as you transfer ready-made greetings and messages and fulfill what is now the motions of a conversation, all within a second, a moment, an infinitesimal fraction of your time so that you may do other things, important things, many things and do them faster and take less time with each person so that you may speak to more people, more accounts, I have A MILLION FACEBOOK FRIENDS! NOW LET ME TELL THEM HOW HAPPY I AM!!! But pause to play the flash game that is advertising masculine scents in a bottle...
Is this what capitalism thinks a “community” is? Watch as your personal interactions become commodities...
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